Monday, June 10, 2013

Letter of the Day Activities Starts Here!

Check out the right hand side of the page to find all the posts in the Letter of the Day series! -----------> 

Also, feel free to leave comments on how you are teaching your little one letters. I welcome the ideas!

Letter of the Day -------> A!

We started our letter of the day actvities today and had an Awesome time! We began with having apple slices with our breakfast. :)

 Myla noticed some "A"s on Noah's placemat so we circled those. Noah kept saying "A!" throughout the rest of breakfast.
 After telling Myla that we would be doing some Letter A activities she was so excited she barely finished breakfast. We brought her apple slices to the table to start our first one. We used a Letter App on the iPad to practice tracing them. She wanted to do all the letters!

The next activity was playing with our super cool Alphie toy. We just did the Letter A card, of course.


 Her favorite activity was making the Alligator out of our letter. Turned out so cute and she was so proud!(Just tilt your head to the side to see that it is an alligator!)

Later in the day, we worked with the magnetic letters on a cookie sheet (It's nice being a teacher and already having most of these materials from my classroom!)She first picked out all the "A"s but that was a little too easy for her. So the next time I had her take off all the letters that were not an "A". Cute video of this but it's not uploading right. Ugh, I'll try again later.


 Next, found this idea on Pinterest so I can't take full credit...paper towel tube with letters on them. Myla took the "A" letter stickers and placed them on the "A"s on the tube. There were only 4 so this didn't take long! But I have letters B-E on there so we will use it for a few days. By then, I am sure I will have an empty paper towel tube to do more letters.


Then we took our "A" labels for a scavenger hunt in her room. On a mission to find things in her room that started with an A. A lot harder than I thought, especially since Myla isn't as knowledgeable in this area yet. She can certainly identify but is not sure about thinking of words with the sounds yet. So after searching and searching here's what we found!! Angel, Ants, Ape, (2) Animal books, Aquaphor and an Apple from her kitchen stuff.
 We then made a chart of all the words we found.

 And lastly, we started our alphabet strip with Myla writing her letter of the day. We will write all the letters on it to hang up in her room when we are done with all the letters. Now, the question is...can I keep this up for 25 more days?? I plan on it. It was fun for me too! I guess I will still be teaching a little this summer after all. The highlight of my day was when I asked what she liked best about the whole day. She thought for a second and I started to list the different activities we did and she piped up and said, "No, the best part of the day was playing with my mommy!" I am so grateful to have the summer to spend with my sweet girl!! She makes me so happy!

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