Saturday, July 19, 2014

Treat Notes for Passengers- Free Printable!

Hi Friends!

I finally made our little treat notes, that we took on the plane, into a PDF so I can share! 

If you missed the original blog post on this, I'll fill you in.

My husband hates to fly. 

Not because he's afraid or anxious. 
Not because he hates lots of people packed in crowded spaces (although this is partly true)
Not because of the headache that is security checkpoint lines etc. 

But because flying with kids is nerve-wracking! 

Will they be quiet?
Will they be still?
Will they be able to "hold it" so we don't have to cram in the tiny lavatory during turbulence? 
(because there is ALWAYS turbulence on the plane when you take a kid to the bathroom)

We all know the answer to these questions is "no." 

Kids will be kids. They get loud and wiggly and there is only so much you can do, right? Kids will want to get up at least once to check out the micro-mini bathroom, which means your fellow neighbor passengers may be bothered. 

If you have flown with kids, you know the look you get from the other passengers as you walk down the aisle to find your seat. 

You can see it written all over their faces...

"Please, Lord, let those kids keep walking...don't sit by me, please, don't sit here, ugh...Darn it" 
and they give you that fake, somewhat sympathetic, smile as you sit down next to them. We know what they're thinking. 

So why not hand them a special little treat...from the kids, as a way to smooth things over before you even take off?

They look so sweet and innocent here...but don't let that fool you. They're loud and wiggly like the rest of 'em.

So, when your kid gets loud (he will) and wiggly (most definitely he will), they can be munching on their little treat from you and possibly re-reading their sweet note and forget about (or at least forgive) the little squirmy kid kicking their seat over and over. 

Because it.will.happen.

For our recent plane ride to Cali, we made 12 treat bags with Starbursts. I figured 6 for each flight there and back. We came home with 3 bags, so we had enough. When we made them, we talked about being thoughtful to others etc. 
The overall response from people was GREAT! We only had 2 people say "no, thank you."Actually, 1 of them didn't speak English but he shook his head "no" kindly and smiled.

 On our return flight, a sweet lady couldn't wait to share with her daughter who has 2 little ones and an upcoming flight. After both flights, the kids received compliments from our neighbors for being "so good" and thanked us for the treats. It was great to see the kids' reactions to this too. They were so proud.

Here's the one we used since we were flying with 2 kids. 

I was lucky to have my husband fly with me this time, but wanted to make one in case a mama takes her kids solo...

I also made one if parents are taking 1 kiddo...

And one more if a mama is flying with 1 little.

 Simply print on white card stock, fold in half and staple over a snack-size ziplock or treat bags (you can get at the dollar store). I used Starbursts but any wrapped candy will do. 

Get the Treat Notes HERE!

This was a part of our Thoughtful Tuesdays tasks we are doing this summer. To see what we've done on other Tuesdays see the blog post HERE and HERE.
We have taken a brief hiatus from our "Making This Summer Count" schedule but it ramps back up on Monday! (per Myla's request...."Mom, aren't we gonna do our thing for the day...because we haven't in a LOOONG time!) Funny how 2 weeks is a LOOONG time to kids. ;)

Here is our Summer Fun schedule....

Oh! I did have a few people ask about the printables for the Activity binder and I will be happy to share those too. I would just need to customize it with your kiddo's name, so let me know by leaving a comment below with your email address and I'll send your way! 

You can check out some of the pages in the Activity Binders from the original post HERE.

Thanks for reading and Happy Flying!!

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