Saturday, March 21, 2020

Fast Forward Five Years!! Beginning our Video Blog of 2020!

WOW! I can't believe I have abandoned this little blog the past five years. Well, actually I can. It wasn't long after my last post in 2015, when Noah was learning his letters in fun ways, that the kids stopped taking naps. Lol I would do most of my blogging during their nap or rest times. Oh, how times have changed!

Fast forward 5 years and we find ourselves in very different times. Life got busy. As a 2nd grade teacher, my job, that I love, has gone through so many changes in the past years. I feel the workload has tripled, more paperwork, meetings, trainings, workshops etc. But I absolutely love what I do so it's not entirely a bad thing....just more demanding of my time. Before this week, I really did not have a lot of free time. If I wasn't at school working with my students, I might be grading papers or designing lessons at home, creating products for my TpT store, helping my husband create wood projects for our little woodworking business, or at my kids' sporting events: baseball, basketball, soccer and volleyball, depending on the weekend. And we only have 2 kids! But all this to say, life was BUSY. And I loved being busy.

Now, fast forward from just LAST WEEK...time has REALLLY slowed down for us, our family, and the rest of our world.  As the Coronavirus is wrecking havoc in our nation and around the globe, I thought it would be a good idea to document how we are all doing during these unprecedented times. So crazy, but now that we are in the thick of (ok, it's just day 6 so really it's just the beginning) of our self quarantine (no, we are not sick, just doing our part and staying home) we are adjusting to our new normal.  It is VERY rare to find me just sitting around. I love being productive, getting stuff done and checked off my list. Now there is no list. Well, let's be honest...I still have a mental list because I just can't shut that part of me off, but I no longer have that sense of urgency. It is a time for me to be still, which is tough. And if you know the members of my family, it's tough for all of us. So thought we would capture what life for us looks like now.

Here's our first entry to our video diary. We may update daily, every other day...we'll see.

And then I got Myla's entry for the day...

And Noah...

I posted this, earlier this week...and yes, I believe it. 

Until next time.... Stay safe, Stay healthy and Stay HOME!

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