It's been months since I've had the time to update so I just decided to post our Christmas letter we recently sent out. Lazy way to fill in the gaps since my last post but it's better than nothing, right??
Dear Family and Friends,
It is hard to believe that the Christmas season is already here! We thought this year we would send out an update about the latest with our family.
Jeff is in his 2nd year as the Varsity Assistant Basketball coach for his alma mater, the Lewisville Fighting Farmers. They have a great team this season and recently defeated the #2 team in the state! He is also teaching a Health class, as well as a P.E. class to a great group of Special needs students. Life as a coach, as many of you may know, is very busy and filled with hard work and long hours. I am very proud of Jeff’s dedication to his players and students. During the crazy basketball season, we look forward to relaxing weekends with family.
I am still teaching 2nd grade at McAuliffe Elementary and loving it. I feel so blessed to work at such a great school with awesome kids. Teaching is one of the best and most rewarding jobs out there and I am glad that I’ve made it my career. Of course, the hardest part of my day is being away from our daughter Myla, but I know she is in excellent care with my mother and mother-in-law who watch her during the week. We are forever grateful!
Myla is now 20 months old and full of laughter and energy! She is so much fun right now as she is talking, running, jumping, clapping, dancing, giggling… you name it. Myla enjoys “reading” books, experimenting with her blocks, and playing outside whenever possible. We are looking forward to sharing this Christmas with her as last year she was too young to notice much of what was going on.
The most exciting news we can share is that we are expecting a baby boy in May! We are thrilled to add another to our family and feel so incredibly blessed with God’s timing and grace. We know Myla will make a terrific big sister. She is already quite interested in mommy’s growing belly and often requests to see his sonogram pictures.
Lastly, we sold our house in Argyle in October after having it listed just 3 ½ months. Again…God is good! Since we sold it so quickly, we were not ready to make that big decision in choosing a new home right away. As of now, we are living with my mom in Highland Village, which has been such a blessing! We are able to save up and take our time finding the perfect home for our growing family. We do plan to live in Highland Village and have recently begun our search. I’ll be sure to forward our new address once we find our new home.
We hope all is well with you and yours this holiday season. If you get a chance during the holidays, we would love to hear from you!
Merry Christmas,
Jeff, Monica, Myla and Baby Boy MeGown
Maybe one of my New year's resolutions could be to update my blog more. Check back...it might happen. :)
1 comment:
Congratulations on a wonderful year and the joy of the year to come! So happy for you and your family. Merry Christmas!
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