Myla had her first fever and cold a couple of weeks ago. She had a low grade fever for a few days with cough, congestion, runny nose etc. Just a cold which is good. She was extra cuddly so she spent her naps sleeping on us. It was heaven. Now she is feeling better although she still has a cough that is lingering and it sounds like she is having some chest congestion. Hoping it doesn't stick around too long.
Jeff's basketball team is doing great! They did lose to their rival,Marcus,last week but have won their past 2 games which make them 23-5 so far. They are guarenteed a spot in the playoffs which start soon. Still have a couple more games left in the season!
Last Friday night, it was Pack the Gym/McAuliffe Night at the Marcus game and one of my students sang the National Anthem. It was great hearing Savannah sing and seeing the kids. Here are a few pics from the night.

Big news...last week Myla took her first steps without support. She holds on to the coffee table, lets go, and walk 2-3 little steps before she falls. I have yet to get it on video but will soon. Didn't she just start crawling?!
(This dress was mine when I was about a year old. So funny... the bloomers underneath are plastic!)
Also this month...Myla is now 10 months old! It is getting more and more difficult to get Myla to pose for her monthly pics. We tried our best but here's what we captured...
Not happy!
Smiling through the tears...
Daddy snapped this one later on in the day!
We tried again that night...
Couldn't sit still...imagine that!
But it's more fun to eat the sign!
Oh well, better luck next month. ;)
We are home today because of the SNOW! We plan to get out and build a snowman later so stay tuned for pics!
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