We played dress up...kinda. We really just tried on some hats. Here she is in her kitty cat hat from Jido and Nona.
This hat was actually mine. ;)
This will be a great summer hat.
We read Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. It was so fun to act out the story!
We took a ride on a pony.
We watched a little Baby Einstein movie. She is obsessed with the puppets!
We also went to her 9 month well check. Here are her stats!
Weight: 20lbs 2oz (75th percentile)
Height: 27 inches (25-50th percentile)
Surely she is going to stretch out, w/daddy being 6'6", right? ;)
Head: 17.25 inches (50th percentile)
She is doing great! She is now pulling herself up to stand on everything! She is also doing well taking steps while holding on to furniture, toys, me, just about anything. Here are a few of her 9 month pics.

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