It's getting harder and harder to have Myla hold the sign...
...since all she wants to do is eat it.
She is such a happy baby, although she did cut her first tooth last week and has been a little cranky lately.
Last Saturday, Jeff, mom, Myla and I went to the new Cowboys stadium to watch the Marcus playoff game. Again, Myla was a trooper and loved "watching" the game.
The next day, we drove out to McKinney to Jeff's parents house for Jeff's birthday. We did a little shopping and went to dinner.
This pic was taken right before I noticed her first tooth!!
Jeff's basketball season has officially started. Myla and I will be attending at least 1 game a week beginning now until end of February. His first game was this past Tuesday against Duncanville. They played a great game and won 62-54! Myla watched in amazement as the ball went back and forth across the court and was even amused at the Duncanville coach stomping his feet in frustration when his players
missed a shot. We were so proud of Daddy for coaching such a good game! ;)
Myla with Papa watching the game...
Lastly, we watched Texas Tech beat OU on Saturday! Myla was supposed to be in her Tech gear for the first half (to support my alma mater) and in her OU gear after half time to support Jeff's team. For some reason, she stayed in her Tech outfit. ;) The way that OU was playing, Jeff agreed that she could keep cheering on Tech. I'm working on teaching her how to get her guns up. She'll have it before too long. ;)
It has been a busy month and it's not over yet. Tomorrow, Myla and I fly out to Steamboat Springs to visit Dad and Cindy for Thanksgiving. Jeff has basketball games this week and cannot join us. So sad he won't be with us but I have promised to take lots of pictures, especially of Myla in her first snow! I'm a bit nervous to fly alone with Myla. Just hoping she is a perfect angel like she was when we flew there this summer. I'm sure she will be. ;) So excited to see the family. I'll post some more pics soon!
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