It's really hard to believe our little man is 7 months old! He is such a joy and so much fun these days! He is just as happy as can be sitting up and doesn't seem interested in crawling yet. No teeth either but I keep expecting a tooth to pop through any day now! He has been introduced to all the veggies (that I've had made, that is) and we've also tried pears. I took him to the dr last week because of a strange rash on his back. I thought it was just excema which he does have on his arms and legs like Myla did as a baby. But it was all over. The nurse practitioner we saw wasn't convinced it was just excema so she prescribed an anti-steroid cream and told us to back off the past few veggies we've tried (green beans, sweet peas, and zucchini) since it was during that time when I started noticing the rash get worse. After using the cream just a few days it seemed to clear up on his back. But just yesterday, I noticed it is back. Not sure what it could be. No new soaps, detergent, or food. Thinking I will have to call the dr again. :( Here is our little stud for his monthly pics....
My sweet friend, Andrea, is well on her way of becoming a big-time photographer! She did a fantastic job with our family pictures. We took them outside our house and got them in just in time before the sun set. The weather was perfect and the kiddos were troopers. It is absolutely amazing how many great shots were captured considering Noah was getting super tired and Myla just wanted to play! Here are a few of my favorites...
Dad and Cindy came to see us the first week of November. It was so great spending the time with them and having them here. We treasure every minute we can spend with them both. Wish we all lived closer and could see each other more often. One day, Dad had the grand idea to take sandwiches and have lunch at the park. Little did we know how windy and cold it was going to be!! We definitely made some memories! Each night we either went out to dinner or had dinner at our house or Kim's house. We celebrated Dad's birthday at Cool River one evening and had a fantastic meal. Dad has nicknamed Noah "The Chairman" since Noah can give some very solemn looks. Dad believes he will make millions one day, since at the young age of 6 months he's already such a deep thinker who constantly analyzes stocks and bonds. It's now a running inside joke within the family. Funny that I hardly captured the solemn look of "The Chairman" since he now tends to smile big for the camera! Here is the closest one we could get...
We had a super time dressing the kiddos up for Halloween. Myla was a precious cowgirl who LOVED her costume and Noah was a grouchy tiger. He wasn't too excited about getting dressed up but he was a trooper nonetheless. We went to Kids Kastle to meet up with Kim, Olivia and Elijah. We hung around for a little bit but the girls were ready to go get candy after about 20 minutes. This year we trick or treated in our neighborhood. It was a fun night. Here are a few pics.