Sunday, October 18, 2009
Baby Murry Shower!
Yesterday we had my best friend, Andrea's baby shower. Everything turned out great and Andrea looks adorable! She is due Thanksgiving day and we cannot wait for the baby's arrival! The soon-to-be parents have stayed strong in waiting to find out the gender, so it will be a surprise! Can't wait! I didn't take very many but here are a few pics from the shower...

Jido and Nona's Visit
Last weekend, Dad and Cindy came in town to see us and go to the U2 concert. It had been nearly 3 months since they have seen Myla and Olivia. They could not believe how much they have grown. It was a short visit but so glad we were able to spend some time with them!
Myla with Nona
Olivia with Jido
On Sunday night, we all went to Nate's in Addison. Myla sat in a high chair for the first time and did great!
Again, she was a perfect angel! She was mesmerized by Olivia's sippy cup although she couldn't figure out how it worked. She loved the live music and of course, all the attention. ;)

On Sunday night, we all went to Nate's in Addison. Myla sat in a high chair for the first time and did great!
Again, she was a perfect angel! She was mesmerized by Olivia's sippy cup although she couldn't figure out how it worked. She loved the live music and of course, all the attention. ;)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Myla is 6 months old!
Considering it has been over a month since I updated this thing, I thought I'd better post some recent pics before Myla starts driving! Gosh, she is growing so fast! She had her 6 month well check today and is doing great. She now weighs 17 lbs, which puts her in the 75th percentile. When I asked if our little tubby was doing okay weight-wise, the doctor just smiled and said, "She's absolutely perfect." I tend to agree. She is such a good baby! We are very blessed. :)
This post is a recap from the past month. It's a little random but hits the highlights. ;)
Myla recently started eating veggies. We waited until she turned 6 months to be sure she was really ready, and because we knew she wasn't hurting in the weight department. Here are a few pics from the new flavors of sweet potatoes and squash.
Here's what I think about squash...

Myla has discovered her feet and loves playing with them. We will need to discuss being "ladylike" another time but for now, this is pretty cute. :)
I am so proud...she is learning to "read" and already loves books. ;)
As always, Myla enjoys spending time with cousin Olivia.
They are best buddies.
A couple of weeks ago, we tried out Myla's Halloween costume. Mom found this caterpillar costume before she was born to save for her first Halloween. I think she likes it!
Check out Myla the Caterpillar in action!!
So that pretty much covers the highlights from the past month. Until next time...hope you all enjoy watching Myla grow!