Everyday she amazes me on new things she can do and learn. I love watching her interact with life around her. Now, it may be more passive in nature as she looks around intently at everything, full of curiosity. Either that or she tries to put everything she can grasp in her mouth. I'm sure it won't be long before she is running around to explore all of these things firsthand.
I was recently reminded on how much Myla has grown the other day when we visited my friend Christi and her newborn baby boy, Caden, at the hospital. He is so adorable, weighing 7lbs 14 oz at birth, he looked so tiny next to Myla. It's hard to believe that Myla weighed that when she was a month old! Cade has the cutest little face and is just perfect. It was so great that Myla got to meet her future boyfriend! Here are a few pics from our visit:

Seeing Baby Caden and looking through newborn pictures of Myla just reminds me how fast time flies and how precious life is. So, with this last week of summer, I plan to soak up as much time as possible with my baby girl because every little moment is special. She'll be off to college before I know it...geez....I'm sure every parent has said the same thing but it's just weird that now I actually understand and know what they mean! If only life could have a Pause button or at least a slow motion feature, that would be nice...